Friday, February 3, 2012

True Guidance and a Momin

We can use all the guidance and advise to improve and become better Muslims. There are so many temptations and bad examples around us. May Allah guide us to stay on the right path.  Aameen!

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "Show forgiveness, speak for justice and avoid the ignorant. If Shaitan tempts you, seek refuge with Allah , for He is the One, All Hearing, All Knowing.  Those who fear Allah when they are tempted by Shaitan, they have but to remember Allah and they shall see the light (right course of action)."  Qu'ran 7 Al-Araf 199-201

"This Book contains veritable insight from your Rabb, a guidance and a blessing for the true believer.  When the Qu'ran is recited, listen to it with complete silence so that you may be shown mercy.  Bring your Rabb to remembrance deep in your soul with humility and in reverence , both in the mornings and the evenings and be not of those who are heedless.  Surely, those who are close to your Rabb do not feel too proud to worship Him; they declare His glory and prostrate themselves before Him."  Qu'ran 7 Al-Araf  203-206

"The true believers are those whose hearts tremble with fear, when the name of Allah is mentioned, and whose faith grows stronger as they listen to His revelations and they put their trust in their Rabb, who establish Salah and spend in charity out of the sustenance which We have given them.  They are the ones who are the true believers, they will have exalted ranks with their Rabb, forgiveness for their sins and honorable sustenance.  Qu'ran 8 Al-Anfal 2-4

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Allah has mentioned Prophet Musa and the people of Israel several times in  the Qu'ran as an example for all of us.

In the Qu'ran Allah says, "Then after them, We sent Musa (Moses) with our revelations to Fir'aun (Pharoah) and his chiefs but they too treated our revelations unjustly, so see what was the end of those mischief-makers.  Musa said,   O' Fir'aun, I am a Rasool from the Rabb of the worlds.  It is not befitting for me to say anything about the Allah except the truth.  I have come to you from your Rabb with clear signs of appointment, therefore send the children of Israel with me."  Fir'aun asked, "If you have come with a sign then produce it, if what you say is true."  So Musa through down his staff and all of a sudden it became a real serpent.  Then he drew out his hand from his pocket and it became shining white to all the beholders.

The chief of Fir'aun's  nation said, "He indeed is a skilled sorcerer who intends to drive you out from your land."  Fir'aun asked, "So, what do you propose?"  They said, "Put him and his brother off for a while, and send the collectors to all the cities and summon every skilled sorcerer to you."  The sorcerers came to Fir'aun and said, "We must certaianly have some suitable reward if we prevail!"  "Yes,"  he answered, "Not only reward but more, you will certainly become my favored friends."  Then they asked Musa, "Will you cast or should we be the first ones to cast?"  Musa said, "You cast."  So when they cast they bewitched the eyes of the people and terrified them by a display of mighty sercery.  We inspired Musa to cast his staff.  No sooner did he cast his staff, it became a serpent and began to swallow up the creation of their sorcery!  Thus the truth prevailed and all that they did collapsed. Fir'aun and his people were defeated and they were put to humiliation, and the sorcerer's, (since they were professionals and knew it was not sorcery), fell down in prostration saying, "We believe in the Rabb of the worlds , the Rabb of Musa and Haroon."  Fir'aun said, "How dare you believe in Him without my permission?  In fact, this was a plot you all had planned to drive the people  out of their city, but soon you will know its consequences.  I will have your hands and your feet cut off on opposite sides and then crucify you all."  They answered, "We will surely return to our Rabb.  (Look at your verdict) you want to take revenge simply because we believe in the signs of our Rabb when they came before us!  O' our Rabb!  Give us patience and cause us to die as Muslims."

The chiefs of Fir'aun's nation asked him, "Will you leave Musa and his nation free to commit mischief in the land and to forsake you and you gods?"  He said, "We will put their sons to death and spare their daughters.  We have irresistible power over them."  Musa said to his people, "Seek help from Allah and be patient.  The land belongs to Allah.  He gives it as a heritage to those of His devotees as He pleases. You should know that final success is for the righteous."  They said, "We were oppressed before you came to us and since you have come to us."  He replied, "It is quite possible that your Rabb may destroy your enemy and make you vicegerent in the land; then He will see how you act."  Qu'ran 7 Al-Araf:  103-129

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Allah has created us.  He is also the creator of everything in this world and everything in all the other worlds!

In the Qu'ran, Allah reminds us, "Surely, your Rabb is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Yome (days or stages) and then He established Himself on the Throne in a manner that suits His Majesty.  He makes the night cover the day and the day to follow the night automatically.  He created the sun, the moon and the stars, and made them subservient to His will.  His is the creation and His is the command!  Blessed is Allah, the Rabb of the worlds!  Call on your Rabb with humility and in private, for He does not love the transgressor.  Do not create mischief in the lands after it has been set in order.  Pray to Him in fear and hope.  Surely the mercy of Allah is always close to those who 
do good to others.  He is the one who sends the winds bearing good news of His blessings, so when they lift up the heavy clouds, We drive them along to a dead countryside and make the rain fall upon it and bring forth all kinds of fruit from the same dead land.  Likewise, We raise the dead to life; this example is given so that you may learn a lesson (from this observation).  The good soil produces rich produce by the permission of Allah and barren soil yields nothing but poor produce. Thus do We explain our revelations over and over again for those who pay thanks.  Qu'ran 7 Al-Araf : 54-58