Friday, December 23, 2011

Do Not Be Diverted

This world is full of diversions and distractions, but we must stay on the straight path as guided by Allah.

" O believers! Let neither your riches nor your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah.  Those who do so, it is they who shall be the real losers.  Spend in charity and in the cause of Allah, out of the sustenance which We have bestowed on you before that time when death will come to anyone of you, and he shall say, "O my Rabb! If only you would give me respite for a  little while then I would give out everything in charity , and be among the righteous."  But Allah grants respite to no soul when its term comes to an end.  Allah is aware of all your actions.  Qu'ran 63: 9-11

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Allah's Bargain!

Who is smart enough to accept Allah's Bargain?  I accept it thankfully.   I hope you will too.

The Qu'ran says, "O' Believers should I tell you of a bargain that will save you from a painful punishment.  It is to believe in Allah and His Rasool and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your persons.  That is best for you, if you but knew it.  He will forgive you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow , and will lodge you in beautiful gardens of Eden, which will be a supreme achievement.  And yet another blessing which you love, help from Allah and a speedy recovery.  So, O' Prophet give this good news to the believers."  Qu'ran 61: 10-13

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fear Allah!

Nobody loves us better than our mothers.  Allah, our Creator, loves us seventy times more!  However, if we do not obey Allah, His anger is severe too.  The Qu'ran says:

"O' believers!  Fear Allah and let each soul see what it is sending for the morrow (Hereafter).  Fear Allah, surely, Allah is aware of all you actions.  Be not like those who forget Allah, as a result Allah caused them ( the unbelievers) to forget themselves, it is they who are the transgressors.  The companions of hell and the companions of paradise are not equal, of course the companions of paradise are far superior". Qu'ran 59: 18-20

Picture: by Shahnaz from airplane.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Give Charity

Allah has repeatedly asked us to spend in charity.  We should realize that all wealth belongs to Allah and we have been given proprietary right only, while it is in our possession. Yesterday this wealth was in other people's possession, today it is in our's, and tomorrow it will pass on to someone else.  Ultimately, it will go back to Allah, who is the creator and owner of everything in this universe.  Only that portion of this wealth will be of any use to us that we spend in the cause of Allah while we have it.

The Qu'ran says, "What is the matter with you that you do not spend in the way of Allah, whereas to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth?  57: 10

"Who will give Allah a goodly loan, so that He may increase it many fold to his credit and give him a liberal reward besides it."  57: 11

"Surely, the charitable men and charitable women, and those who give a goodly loan to Allah, shall be repaid many fold, and also be given a liberal reward besides it."  57: 18

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Doubts about Allah!!

How can one doubt Allah's being?  I agree, we cannot see Him but if we look around, there are signs of His being every where.  We have only to observe and understand.  In the Qu'ran, Allah says:

"Have you ever considered the seed that you sow in the ground.  Is it you who cause it to grow or are We the grower?  If it be Our Will, We could crumble your harvest into chaff and you would then be left lamenting, "We are indeed laden with debts, indeed we have been deprived of our labor!"

Have you ever considered the water that you drink?  Is it you who send it from the clouds or are We the sender?  If it be Our Will, We could turn it salty.  Why then do you not give thanks?

Have you ever considered the fire that you kindle?  Is it you that made the tree to grow that feeds the fire or are We the grower?  We have made it a reminder for man (as to what would be the life without it), and a provision of life for the travellers in the desert.  So glorify the name of your Rabb, Who is the Greatest."  Qu'ran 56: 63-74

Friday, December 16, 2011

Moral Behaviour

From time to time we all need guidance on how to act in a particular situation.  The Qu'ran says:

"O believers! Let no man laugh at other men who may perhaps be better than themselves, and let no woman laugh at another woman, who may perhaps be better than herself.  Do not defame through sarcastic remarks about one another, nor call one another by offensive nicknames. It is an evil thing to be called by an evil name after being a believer, and those who do not repent are the wrongdoers.

O believers! Avoid immoderate suspicions, for in some cases suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another nor backbite one another (to say something about another behind ones back, that if one hears it, dislikes it).  Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother?  Surely you would abhor it.  Fear Allah for Allah is the Acceptor of repentance, Merciful".

O mankind! We created you from a single pair of male and female, and made you into nations and tribes that you make get to know one another.  Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous.  Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Aware".                          Qu'ran 49: 11-12.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


All our efforts in this world should be to do good things so that we may be granted Jannat (Paradise) after our death.

"Here is the parable of paradise which the righteous have been promised: it has rivers, the waters of which will never be stagnant, rivers of milk whose taste never changes, rivers of wine delicious to those who drink, and rivers of honey, pure and clear.  In it they will have all kinds of fruits, as well as forgiveness from their Rabb." Qu'ran 47:15                             

What a glorious achievement that will be.  May Allah guide us all.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Respect for Parents

Our parents bring us up when we are not even aware that we exist.  We need to be fed, cleaned, coddled, put to sleep and every thing else.  We owe our existence first to Allah and then to our parents.

Allah says, "We have enjoined upon man to treat his parents with kindness.  With much trouble did his mother bore him, and with much pain did she give him birth.  His bearing and his weaning took thirty months.  When he reaches the age of full strength and becomes forth year old he says, " My Rabb! Grant me the the grace that I may thank You for the favors you have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good deeds that may please You, and grant me good children.  Surely I turn to You in repentance and surely and I am one of the Muslims."  Such are the people from whom We accept the best of their deeds and overlook their misdeeds.  They shall be among the residents of paradise; true is the promise that has been made to them in this life."           Qu'ran 46: 15

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Prophet Isa ( Jesus)

In the Quran Allah says, "He (Jesus) was no more than a mortal, whom We favored and made an example for the children of Israel.  Had it been Our will We would have made angels to replace you on  the Earth.  He (Jesus) is in fact a sign for the coming of the hour of Doom.  Therefore, have no fear about its coming, follow me, this is the right way. Let not shaitan restrain you, for he is an open enemy."

When Isa came with clear signs, he stated, "I have brought to you wisdom, and to clarify some of those things about which you have disputes, so fear Allah and obey me.  Surely, He it is Allah, who is my Rabb and your Rabb, so worship Him.  This is the right way."   Qu'ran 43: 59-64

Photo by Shahnaz at home.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


We may not realize it, but all that we have is from Allah, however,

"Whatever you are given is nothing but a provision for the transitory life of this world, better and everlasting is the reward which Allah has for those who believe, put their trust in their Rabb, avoid major sins and shameful deeds, forgive even when they are angry, answer the call of their Rabb, establish Salah, conduct their affairs with mutual consultation, spend out of the sustenance which We have given them, Picture by Shahnaz in Seattle

and when they are oppressed, help and defend themselves.  The recompense for an injure is an injury proportionate to it, but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, he shall be rewarded by Allah, He does not like the wrongdoers.                                                                        Quran 42: 36-40

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day of Judgement

Muslims believe that we will have to answer for our deeds in this world to Allah on the Day of Judgement.

"On the Day of Resurrection the whole earth shall be in His (Allah) grasp and all the heavens shall be rolled up in His right hand.  Glory be to Him!  Exalted be He above what they associate with Him.  The Trumpet shall be blown, and all that is in the heavens and the earth shall swoon except those whom Allah will please to exempt.

Photo's by Shahnaz in Seattle

Then the trumpet will be blown for a second time and behold! they shall all stand up looking around.  The earth will be shining with the light of her Rabb, the Book of Records will be laid open, the Prophets and other witnesses will be brought in and justice will be done between people with all fairness, none shall be wronged.  Every soul will be paid in full according to its deeds, for He knows fully well what they did.

After the Judgement,  the unbelievers will be driven to Hell in groups.  When they reach there, its gates will be opened, and its keeper will say, "Did there not come to you Rasools from among yourself, who recited to you the revelations of your Rabb and forewarned you about the meeting of this Day?  "Yes", they will answer.  But at that time the sentence of punishment would have already been announced against the unbelievers.  They will be told, "enter the gates of hell and live therein forever."  Evil be be the abode of the arrogant.

As for those who fear their Rabb, they be led towards paradise in groups.  When they reach there its gates will be opened and the keeper will say, " Peace be upon you! You have done well, now enter to live therein forever."  They will say, " Praise be to Allah who has fulfilled His promise and has given us this land to  inherit, now we can live in paradise wherever we like."  How excellent will be the reward of the righteous."  Qu'ran 39: 67-74

May Allah guide us to be the inheritors of heaven.  Ameen.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


It is impossible to describe all the attributes of Allah in a few sentences.  He is Great!!!

"He is Allah, the One, the Irresistible.  He created the heavens and the earth to manifest the truth.  He causes the night to succeed the day and the day to overtake the night.  He has subjected the sun and the moon to His law, each one following a course for an appointed term. Beware! He is the All-Mighty, the All-Forgiving.

He created you from a single person, then from that person He created his mate.  He also created for you eight heads of cattle in pairs.  He created you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three 
Photo by Shahnaz at home

layers of darkness.  This is Allah, your Rabb.  To Him belongs the sovereignty.  There is no god but He.  How can you then turn away from Him".                                                                 Qu'ran 39: 4-6

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


When we read the Qu'ran in a language that we can understand, we realize what great lessons there are to be learned and followed.  Allay says,

"O believers! Remember Allah as a frequent remembrance, and glorify Him morning and evening. It is He Who sends His blessings on you (believers) and so do His angels, that He may bring you out of  darkness into light, for He is Merciful to the believers.  On the Day of their meeting with Him, their greeting will be "Salaam (peace), and He has prepared for them a generous reward.  Qu'ran:  33: 41-44

Photo by Shahnaz at home.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Muslim men and women have been told to act and dress with decorum and modesty.  The Qu'ran states:

"O Prophet! Enjoin your wives, daughters and the believing women that they should draw their outer garments over their persons. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized and not bothered.  Allah is Forgiving, Merciful".  Qu'ran 33: 59

Photo by Shahnaz in Slough, England.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Father's Advice

Luqman was a wise man. He advised his son, " O my son! Establish Salah, enjoin good and forbid evil. Further endure with patience whatever befalls you, surely this shows your determination in conducting your affairs. Do not speak to the people with your face turned away in pride, nor walk proudly on earth, for Allah does not love any self-conceited boaster. Be moderate in your pace and lower your voice, for the harshest of voices is the braying of a donkey." Quran 31 17-19.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Hereafter

A lot of times we get so involved in the activities of this worldly life, we forget the Hereafter.  Allah reminds us in the Qu'ran:

"Every soul shall taste death, then to us you shall all return.  Those who embrace true faith and do good deeds shall be lodged in the mansions of paradise beneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever.  What an excellent reward for the doers of good deeds, the ones who have shown patience and put their trust in their Rabb".  Qu'ran  29:57. 

Further, Allah reminds us, "The life of this world is nothing but a pastime and play .  It is the life of the hereafter that is the real life, if they but knew it".  Qu'ran 29:64

Saturday, November 19, 2011


"Surely, this Qu'ran is a revelation from the Rabb of the worlds.  The trustworthy Spirit (Angel Gabriel) brought it down upon your (Prophet Mohammed) heart so that you may become one of those who are appointed by Allah to warn the people in a plain Arabic language.

This fact was foretold in the scriptures of the former people.  Is it not sufficient proof for the people that the learned men of the children of Israel knew about it".  Quran 26: 191-197

How can any one possibly doubt the authenticity of the Qu'ran! May Allah guide us to read the Qu'ran with its meaning, and to follow its directions.  Ameen.

Photo by Shahnaz in Seattle.   

Monday, November 14, 2011

Real Success!!

After receiving this revelation, Prophet Mohammed, PBUH, said, "On this occasion ten such verses have been sent down to me that the one who measures up to them will surely go to paradise (related by Urawah bin Zubair, Sayyiduda Umar). These are those verses:

"Indeed! Successful are those believers, who are humble in their Salah (prayer), who are punctual in payment of Zakat (charity), who guard their private parts except from their spouses---, who are true in their trust and covenants and who are diligent in their Salah.  These are the heirs who will inherit paradise, and live therein forever".  Quran 23: 1-11

How blessed are we, that we have been provided clear directions on how to lead our lives?  May Allah help us to follow these commands.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Islam - A Single Religion

Allah had clearly said in the Qu'ran, "Verily this religion of yours is a single religion and I am your only Rabb, therefore worship Me alone.  But the people have divided their religion into sects between them.  To Us they shall all return".           Quran: 21:92

There is clearly no reason for us to differentiate into different groups, like Shia's, Sunni's and other factions.  We all belong to Islam, alone. May Allah guide us.

Photo by Shanni at home.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Best Advise

"Do not strain your eyes in longing for the worldly benefits We have bestowed on some among them (human beings), for with these We wish to test them.  The (lawful) provision of your Rubb is better and more lasting.

Enjoin Salah (prayers) on your family and be patient in its observance.  We demand nothing of you;  indeed We provide you sustenance.  

Good shall be the end of the righteous".                       Qu'ran 20:131

Photo by Shahnaz at Hyde Park, London

Sunday, October 30, 2011


 After our death, we will be judged on our merits and rewarded or punished.

  The Qu'ran says, "On that day ( Day of Judgement ), men shall proceed in sorted out groups to be shown their " Book of Deeds".  Then, whoever has done an atom's worth of good shall see it there, and whoever has done an atom's weight of evil shall see it there".     Qu'ran 99:6

May Allah guide us all to do only good.

Photo by Shahnaz 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Allah's Guidance

God provides guidance to all human being.  The Qu'ran say's, " By Him who created the male and the female, surely your efforts are directed towards various ends.  So for him who gives in charity, fears Allah and testifies to goodness, We shall facilitate for him the easy way.  As for him who is stingy and considers himself independent of Allah and rejects the goodness, We shall facilitate for him the hard way.  Just consider what benefit will he get from his wealth, if he himself is doomed".                              Qu'ran  92:3

Photo by Shahnaz

Friday, October 28, 2011

Moral Behaviour

The Qu'ran teaches human beings to follow good moral behaviour.  It says, " Woe to those who defraud, who when they take by measure from men, take full measure, but when they give by measure or by weight to others, they give less than due".                                                           Qu'ran 83:1

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The Holy Book, Qu'ran was revealed by God (called Allah, by Muslims) through Angel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammad (peace be on him).  The Qu'ran states, "----surely, this word is brought by a noble Messanger, possessor of mighty power, having very high ranks with the Owner of the Throne (Allah), who is obeyed in heaven and is trustworthy".                                                                                        81: 19

Further, "This (the Qu;ran) is but a reminder to all the people of the worlds".   81:27

Monday, October 24, 2011

Purpose of Creation

We, as humans have been given the right to follow the path we choose, however guidance is explicitly provided in the Qu'ran.  God says,"Indeed We have created man from a sperm drop, so that We may test him.  We gave him the faculties of hearing and sight.  Then We guided him to the right way.  Now it is his choice to be grateful or to be a disbeliever"  ( Qu'ran 76:2).

People who follow the right path will be rewarded, but those who do not will be punished in Hell. May God (called Allah by Muslims) guide us to the right path. 

Saturday, October 22, 2011


"I am a muslim woman and I am not a terrorist". What a way to start an introduction? But this is a subject that has concerned me for so long and so deeply, that I want to get directly to what I want to share. As an American muslim living in a America for the last thirty six years, I feel it is my responsibility to make my fellow Americans understand what my religion, Islam is, and also to clearly emphasize that a muslim does not believe in terrorism.

A muslim believes in:

1. One God.

2. Prophet Mohammed (peace be on him) as the prophet of God.

3. The Day of Resurrection.