Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Give Charity

Allah has repeatedly asked us to spend in charity.  We should realize that all wealth belongs to Allah and we have been given proprietary right only, while it is in our possession. Yesterday this wealth was in other people's possession, today it is in our's, and tomorrow it will pass on to someone else.  Ultimately, it will go back to Allah, who is the creator and owner of everything in this universe.  Only that portion of this wealth will be of any use to us that we spend in the cause of Allah while we have it.

The Qu'ran says, "What is the matter with you that you do not spend in the way of Allah, whereas to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth?  57: 10

"Who will give Allah a goodly loan, so that He may increase it many fold to his credit and give him a liberal reward besides it."  57: 11

"Surely, the charitable men and charitable women, and those who give a goodly loan to Allah, shall be repaid many fold, and also be given a liberal reward besides it."  57: 18

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