Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Allah has No Son!

Many people believe that Allah had a son! What a bad thought and disrespect to Allah's Magnificence!  To suggest that Allah, Almighty needs a son!

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "They say, "Allah has taken to Himself  a son."   Allah is above such things!  Rather to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth, all are obedient to Him.  He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth!  When he decrees a thing, He needs only to say, "Be" and there it becomes.

Those who have no knowledge ask, "Why does Allah not speak to us face to face or send us a sign?"  The same demand was made by those before them, they all have the same mentality.  We have already shown clear signs to those whose faith is firm.  (What clearer signs can there be than this book?)  We have sent you (O' Muhammad) with the knowledge of the Truth and made you the bearer of good news and warning; now you will not be called upon to answer for the actions of the companions of the blazing fire.  Qu'ran 2: 116-119

1 comment:

  1. Daffodils ( narcissus)are such bright flowers that bloom in early spring!
