Monday, January 16, 2012

Story of Prophets Ibraheem and Isma'il

In the Quran, Allah says, "Remember, when Ibraheem (Abraham) was tested by his Rabb with certain commands, he fulfilled them.  Allah said, "Surely, I will make you the leader of mankind.  "What about my offsprings?" Asked Ibraheem.  "My pledge," said Allah, "will not apply to the evil doers."

Remember when We made the House (Ka'bah) a center and sanctuary for mankind saying, " Take the station of Ibraheem as a place of prayer."  We entrusted Ibraheem and Isma'il to cleanse our house for those who walk around it, who meditate in it and who kneel and prostrate in prayers.  Ibraheem said, "My Rabb, make this (Mecca) a secure town and provide its people with plenty of food from fruits, those of them who believe in Allah and the Last Day."  He answered, "As for those who do not, I shall also provide for them in this life, though in the Hereafter, I shall drag them to the torture of Hellfire and it is an evil destination indeed!"

Remember, when Ibraheem and Isma'il raised the foundations of the House and prayed. "Accept this from us. O' our Rabb, You are the one who hears all and knows all.  O' our Rabb, make us both Muslims (submissive to You), and make our descendants,  a nation that will be Muslims.  Show us our rites of worship and accept our repentance, surely You are the Acceptor of repentance, the Merciful.  O' our Rabb appoint from them a Rasool who shall recite to them Your revelations and teach them the Book and the Wisdom and purify them, surely You are the Almighty, the Wise."

Who, but a foolish man, would renounce the faith of Ibraheem?  We choose him in this worldly life, and in the Hereafter, he will be among the righteous.  Qu'ran 2:130

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