Friday, January 20, 2012


Maryam is one of the most beloved and revered ladies (by Allah and muslims) that ever lived.  She is an example for all women who face unexpected trials and tribulations.  And what a trial she faced!  To find herself pregnant when she had committed no immorality and no man had ever touched her!

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "Indeed Allah exalted Adam, Nuh, the family of Ibraheem and the family of Imran above all the worlds.  They were the offspring's of one another.  Allah hears all and knows all."

Allah heard when the wife of Imran said, "O' my Rabb!  I dedicate to your service what is in my womb.  Please accept it from me.  You, Alone hear all and know all."  When she gave birth (to a girl instead of a boy), she said, "My Rabb! I have given birth to a girl," - Allah knew very well what she had delivered - and that the male is not like the female.  "I have named her Maryam and I seek your protection for her and her children from (the mischief of ) of Shaitan, the accursed.  Her Rabb graciously accepted her.  He made her grow up as a good person and entrusted her to the care of Zakariyya.  Whenever Zakariyya entered the sanctuary to see her, he found her with food.  He asked, O' Maryam! From where did you get it?  She replied, "It came from Allah.  In fact, Allah gives to whom He wants without measure."  Qu'ran 3 : 33-37

There came a time when the angels said, "O' Maryam! Surely, Allah has exalted you, purified you and preferred you for His service over all the women of the worlds.  O' Mayam!  Be obedient to your Rabb, prostrate and bow down in worship with other worshippers."  (O' Mohammad), this is news from the Unseen which we are revealing to you. You were not present with them when (the priests of the temple) cast their pens to decide which of them should be the guardian of Maryam, nor were you with them when they argued about it.  

When the angels said, "O' Maryam!  Allah give you the good news with a Word from Him (that you will be given a son), his name will be Messiah, Isa,(Jesus Christ), the son of Maryam.  He will be noble in this world and the hereafter, and he will be of those who are very close to Allah.  He will speak to the people in the cradle and in his old age and he will be of the righteous.

(Hearing this, Maryam) said, " O' my Rabb!  How can I have a son when no man has ever touched me?" He replied, "Even so, Allah creates, however He wants, whenever He decides to do anything, He only says to it 'Be,' and it is!  (Allah) will teach (your son) the Book, the Wisdom, the Taurat (Torah)  and the Injeel (Gospel) and send him forth as a Rasool to the Children of Israel (with this message), "I have brought you signs (of my appointment) from your Rabb.  I will make you the likeness of a bird from clay, I will breath into it and, with Allah's leave, it will become a living bird.  I will heal the blind and the lepers, and raise the dead to life, by Allah's leave.  (Furthermore), I will tell you what you have eaten and what you have stored in your houses.  Surely, these are the signs (to convince) you, if you are believers.  (I am appointed to confirm that which is before me from the Taurat and to make lawful to you some of the things forbidden to you.  I have brought to you the signs from your Rabb, therefore fear Allah and obey me.  In fact, Allah is your Rabb as well as your Rabb, therefore worship Him; this is the Right Way."  Quran 3:  42-51

1 comment:

  1. I am bewildered by the beauty of these tulips. I photographed these in my garden.
