Monday, January 2, 2012

Allah's Warning

Allah has warned mankind several times in the Qu'ran to follow the recommended way or suffer the consequences.  

In the Qu'ran Allah emphatically says; "Nay! By the moon, by the departing night and by the coming of the dawn, surely this hellfire is one of mighty scourge, a warning to mankind, to any of you who chooses to go forward or to lag behind.  Every soul is held in pledge for its deeds, except the people of the right hand, who shall be in paradise.  They will ask from the criminals, "What brought you into hell?" They will answer, "We did not use to offer the Salah, we did not use to feed the poor, we used to join those who wasted their time in vain talk, and we used to deny the Day of Judgement, until  death overtook us".  On that day no intercession of any interercessor shall

Photo by SS at Disney's Magic Kingdom

profit them.  Then what is the matter with them that they turn away from this admonition?"

"Nay! Surely this Qu"ran is an admonition.  Let him who will take heed.  But none takes heed except by the Will of Allah.  He, Alone, is worthy to be feared and He, alone, is Worthy of forgiving those who fear Him".  Qu'ran 74: 32-56

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