Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Obey Allah

We must obey Allah.  In the Qu'ran there are explicit commands and directives that we, as muslims have to obey. 

In the Qu'ran, Allah says,  "Serve Allah and do not commit shirk (associate any partner with Him), and be good to your parents, relatives, orphans, the helpless, near and far neighbors who keep company with you, the traveller's in  need and the slaves you own.  Allah does not love those who are arrogant and boastful, who are themselves stingy and enjoy others to be stingy , who hide the bounties that Allah has bestowed on them.  For such unbelievers, We have prepared a disgraceful punishment. Similarly, Allah does not like those who spend their wealth to show off to the people, believing neither in Allah nor in the Last Day.  In fact those who choose Shaitan as their companion have chosen a very evil companion."  Qu'ran 4: 36-38

Whosoever obeys Allah and the Rasool will be in the company of those whom Allah has blessed - the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous - what excellent companions they will be! This is the real grace from Allah and sufficient is Allah's infinite knowledge.  Qu'ran 4: 69-70

Anyone who intercedes for a good cause shall have a share in it, and anyone who intercedes for an evil cause shall also get a share in its burden.  Allah has control over everything.  When anyone greets you in a courteous manner, let your greeting be better than it - or at least return the same.  Allah keeps account of every thing.  Qu'ran 4: 85-86

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