Monday, January 23, 2012

Dua (Prayer)

Who better to ask for help, than the One who created you and loves you the most - Allah.  When we look around us we see many miracles.

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, " Surely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of the night and the day, there are signs for men of understanding.  Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting and laying on their sides, and meditate on the creation of the heavens and the earth, then say, "Our Rabb, you have not created this in vain, Glory to You! save us from the punishment of the Fire.  Our Rabb! those You cast into the fire will be in eternal shame and there will be no helper for such wrongdoers.  Our Rabb! we have heard someone calling to the faith saying, "Believe in your Rabb," so we have believed.  Our Rabb! forgive us our sins, remove from from us our evil deeds, and make us die with the righteous.  Our Rabb! grant us, what You have promised us through Your Rasools and save us from the shame on the Day of Resurrection, surely, You never break Your  Promise."

So, their Rabb answered their prayers saying, "I will not let the good deeds of any worker, whether a male or a female, be wasted.  You are the offspring's of one another. Those who have to leave their homes or were expelled therefrom, and those, who suffered persecution for My sake and fought or were killed, I will forgive them their sins and will admit them into gardens beneath which rivers flow, a Prize from Allah, and Allah holds the finest prize!" Qu'ran 3: 190-195

1 comment:

  1. These beautiful Begonias are so lovely. These are perennials but with the cold winters in Rhode Island,I have to move the roots indoors.
