Monday, January 9, 2012

Night of Qadr

The Night of Qadr or Laila-tul-Qadr is the night which is worth a thousand months!  This means that all  the  blessings of Allah are multiplied by 30000 or more!  Wow! This night, also has the honor of being the night when Allah started the revelations of the Qu'ran through Angel Gabriel on Prophet Mohammad (peace be on him), and Allah decides the destinies of all human beings!

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "Surely We have revealed this Qu'ran in the night of Qadr.  And what will make you understand what the night of Qadr is?  The night of Qadr is better than one thousand months.  The angels and the spirit (Gabriel) come down, by the leave of their Rabb, with all Decrees.  That night is the night of peace till the break of dawn."  Quran 97 1-5

I photographed this lovely flower in Florida.  Amazingly, it grows on a mid-sized tree.  Another wonder of Allah's creation!   

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