Thursday, January 19, 2012


Muslims believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Rasools (Prophets).  We also believe in life after death and that all good and bad is from Allah.

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "The Rasool has believed in the Guidance which has been revealed to him from his Rabb and so do the believers.  They all believe in Allah, His angels, His books and His rasools.  They say, "We do not discriminate between any of His Rasools,"  and they say, "We hear and we obey.  Grant us your forgiveness, O' our Rabb, to You we shall all return."

Allah does not burden any human being with more than he can bear.  Every one will enjoy the credits of his deeds and suffer the debits of his wrongdoings.  The believers say, "Our Rabb, do not  punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Rabb, do not place on us a burden as You placed on those before us.  Our Rabb, lay not on us the kind of burden that we have no strength to bear.  Pardon us, forgive us, Have mercy on us.  You are our Protector, help us against the unbelievers."  Qu'ran 2: 285-286

What a lovely and comprehensive prayer.  May Allah accept it from me and all others who will pray this dua, Aameen!  

1 comment:

  1. This is a lovely dua, please say it as often as you can. May Allah guide us to the straight path.
