Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lawful, Halal Food - 2

This is a continuation of an earlier blog, 'Lawful Foods'.  Allah has further clarified what is lawful for a Muslim to eat and what is unlawful.  In His infinite Mercy, Allah however, allows everything can be eaten, if one is compelled by hunger and nothing lawful is available.

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "You are forbidden to eat to meat of any animal that dies by itself  (dead body), blood, the flesh of swine (pig meat) and that on which any name other than Allah's has been invoked.  Also that which is strangled to death, killed by a violent blow, killed by a headlong fall and those beaten or gored to death and that which has been partially eaten by a wild animal unless you are able to slaughter it before its death.  Also that which is sacrificed on alters or is divided by raffling of arrows. All these are sinful acts."  Qu'ran 5: 3

"They ask you (Mohammed, praise be on him) what food is lawful for them say, "All good and clean thing are lawful for you, as well as what you have taught your hunting birds and beasts to catch, trained by you with the knowledge given to you by Allah. Eat what they catch and hold for you, however pronounce the name of Allah over it.  Have fear of Allah.  Allah is swift in settling accounts.  Today all good things have been made lawful for you, and the food of the People of the Book is also made lawful for you and your food is made lawful for them."  Qu'ran 5: 4  

1 comment:

  1. I picked these amazing Lotus flowers on a lake in Seattle, Washington.
