Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Story of Prophet Ibraheem

My grandmother, Hajjira used to tell us stories about the prophets when we were small.  I never realized what a favor she us doing to us.  They have had a lasting impression. My brothers and I recall many of the stories she used to tell us.  What is amazing is the fact that she recalled them so accurately, just as they are written in the Qu'ran.

In the Qu'ran, Allah says, "Tell them about Ibraheem (Abraham), who said to Azar, his father, "Are you taking idols for gods? Surely, I see you and your people in manifest error."  We showed Ibraheem the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, (as We show you with examples from nature), so he became one of the firm believers.  When the night drew its shadow over him, he saw a star and said, "This is my Rabb."  But when it set, he said, "I do not love (to worship such a god) that fades away."  Afterwords, when he saw the moon shining, he said, "This is my Rabb."  But when it also set, he said, "If my Rabb does not guide me. I shall certainly become one of those who go astray."  Then when he saw the sun with its bright shine, he said, " This must be my Rabb, it is (larger than the other two)."  But when it also set, he exclaimed,  "O' my people! I am done with your shirk (associating partners with Allah.  As far as I am concerned) I will turn my face, being upright, to Him, Who has created the heaven and the earth, and I am not on of the mushrikeen.

When his people started arguing with him, he told them, "Will you argue with me about Allah, whereas, He, Himself has guided me?  I do not fear those whom you take for gods besides Him, none can harm me unless my Rabb so wills, the knowledge of my Rabb encompasses everything, why don't you get admonition? Why should I fear your idols, when you are not afraid of your actions of making them partners with Allah, for which He has not given you any sanction?  Which one from the two parties of us deserves to feel secure?  Tell me if you know the truth.  As a matter of fact those who believe and do not taint their faith with wrongdoings will fell more secure and will be better guided."

This is the argument which We furnished Ibrameem against his people.  we exalt in ranks whom We please, surely your Rabb is Wise, aware.  Quran 6 Al-Anam 74-83

1 comment:

  1. I have three of the 200 varieties of Iris. The word Iris means rainbow. In the language of flowers Iris symbolizes eloquence.
